Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Projects Update #4

Let's get this one out of the way first. As a fellow by the name of David commented on my previous post (Projects Update #2), GCC-XML uses a 7-year-old version of the GCC compiler, which anyone might guess does not necessarily work with ARMv8 architecture.
With the being said, I will leave this project as is, since in order to get it to work with AArch64, I would have to back port the aforementioned 7-year-old GCC compiler. I could only wish for the ability to learn enough about compilers and port it over in just a few days.

Qlandkarte GT
Well, there are some good news. After being stumped by trying to build qtwebkit on AArch64, I am still stuck at trying to build qtwebkit on AArch64, but with some progress. After trying to get the source rpm by cloning from Fedora repository, switching into different Fedora branches and using the
fedpkg srpm
command, then attempting to build the source rpm by using
rpmbuild --rebuild pkgname.src.rpm
I would get multiple errors usually involving the build instructions that would cascade deeper and deeper, stating that aarch64 is not supported, and instructions to build on aarch64 do not exist.
Then I tried getting the source rpm from the Fedora arm repository and rebuild it into an RPM file. Even though those should be the same repository, I was getting different errors, but the message they conveyed was very familiar. Still "no dice".
So I thought I would try a slightly different approach, this time, after cloning qtwebkit from the repository, I used the
fedpkg prep
command and got the source code with CMake files to build it. After making a separate build directory, and running the CMake command on the source files directory, I have received another plethora of errors, telling me about the lack of aarch64 support. So I go out looking if anyone has made any changes to the CMake instructions to include aarch64, which after some time I came across a patch. With nothing to lose, I went ahead and applied it.
Before running CMake again, I have to change the following line in CMakeList.txt
-- set(PORT "NOPORT" CACHE STRING "choose which WebKit port to build (one of ${ALL_PORTS})")
++ set(PORT Efl)
Now that I had those changes saved, it was time to try and run CMake again, and voilĂ  (sort of)... a different error message, but this one looking more promising:
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (message):
  Could NOT find Eina: Found unsuitable version ".", but required is at least
  "1.7" (found Eina.h_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND;eina_main.h_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND)
Looks like a bit of progress, with another dependency missing. Next step is to see if the package Eina builds and works properly on AArch64, then we can take another step forward. I will work on doing just that tonight and post my results tomorrow, along with my final submission for the SPO600 course.


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